A Refreshing THC Twist: My Review of Melo’s Grapefruit and Wild Berries Beverages


Hey everyone! I’ve been testing out some THC-infused beverages from Melo, and I’ve got to tell you all about them. They offer two intriguing flavors: Grapefruit and Wild Berries. Let me share my experience and let you know what I loved (and what maybe didn’t hit the mark as much).

Melo Grapefruit

First up, let’s talk about the Grapefruit flavor. As a big fan of tangy flavors, I was excited to crack open this one. The beverage has a distinct citrus kick with a pleasantly bitter undertone that isn’t too overpowering. It really felt like sipping on a grapefruit-flavored sparkling water with a little something extra! The THC blend gave me a nice, mellow buzz that felt just right for winding down after a long day. What I didn’t enjoy as much was that the flavor was a bit too strong for my taste at times. Still, for those who love a bold, citrusy flavor, this might be the perfect pick!
You can check it out here.

Melo Wild Berries

Next up, we’ve got the Wild Berries flavor. This one was right up my alley! The berry blend is fruity, refreshing, and hits all the right notes without being too sweet. It felt a lot like a summer afternoon in a can—bright and vibrant. The THC gave me a similarly pleasant experience to the Grapefruit version, but the flavor profile made this one my favorite. My only gripe here is that I wish the cans were a bit bigger!
You can find it here.

Overall, I think Melo’s THC beverages are a fun and unique way to unwind or kick back with friends. The flavors are distinct and pair well with the mellow vibe from the THC. If you enjoy experimenting with different infused drinks, these are worth a try! Just make sure to sip responsibly and see how your body reacts, especially if you’re new to THC beverages.

Happy sipping!

Charlotte Cremers
Posted in THC